Bio Organo Phosphate (0:20:0)| +15% Org| +S16 | + PSB

Our Bio-Organo Phosphate Fertilizer is the best BOP product on the market and we GUARANTEE (TM) the results. Be it any crop, the phosphate requirements can be fulfilled by GUARANTEE Bio-Organo Phosphate with over 20 percent phosphate content and above 15 percent organic matter, which is very beneficial for the soil in the short and long term application. Our Organic matter is like none in the industry, obtained from a large scale biogas plant in shape of Biogas Slurry which is rich in N, P and even K. This slurry is dried by a Slurry seperator, moved to the heap area and applied with rock phosphate and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria every three days while being throughly mixed for a period of 21 days with application of Bio active minerals such as sulfur and other secret ingredients to fortify it further. After the PSB has done its task, the raw material is moved to the plant area where it is crushed, mixed, granulated and dried through our rotary drum dryer and seived and packed into 50kg packaging.

Our Bio-Organo Phosphate Fertilizer is the best BOP product on the market and we GUARANTEE (TM) the results. Be it any crop, the phosphate requirements can be fulfilled by GUARANTEE Bio-Organo Phosphate with over 20 percent phosphate content and above 15 percent organic matter, which is very beneficial for the soil in the short and long term application. Our Organic matter is like none in the industry, obtained from a large scale biogas plant in shape of Biogas Slurry which is rich in N, P and even K. This slurry is dried by a Slurry seperator, moved to the heap area and applied with rock phosphate and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria every three days while being throughly mixed for a period of 21 days with application of Bio active minerals such as sulfur and other secret ingredients to fortify it further. After the PSB has done its task, the raw material is moved to the plant area where it is crushed, mixed, granulated and dried through our rotary drum dryer and seived and packed into 50kg packaging.

All manufacturing process at IRDC farms are sustainable, with power derived from our solar and biogas hybrid power plant and all furnaces and other drying equipment is powered by our CSTR Biogas plant 

Our BOP fertilizer releases solublized phosphate into the soil on each water application – instead of all phosphate being released instantaniously on the first water. This ensures better nutrient delivery, better crop health and a better farm economy.

All manufacturing process at IRDC farms are sustainable, with power derived from our solar and biogas hybrid power plant and all furnaces and other drying equipment is powered by our CSTR Biogas plant 

Our BOP fertilizer releases solublized phosphate into the soil on each water application – instead of all phosphate being released instantaniously on the first water. This ensures better nutrient delivery, better crop health and a better farm economy.

Multi Nutrient Fertilizer (15:10:0)

Multi Nutrient Fertilizer (15:10:0)

Our Multi Nutrient NP fertilizer, having an N content of 15 % and P content of 10% is perfect for your Nitrophos application for crops. GUARANTEE MULTI NUTRIENT NP is fortified with Sulfur and Calcium along with other bio active minerals. The fast acting NP has N from Urea source and phosphate from Rock Phosphate and extra availability is ensured by the fast acting sulfuric acid at the time of granulation. Be it any crop, our NP will have GUARANTEED results on your fields.

All manufacturing process at IRDC farms are sustainable, with power derived our solar farm and all furnaces and other drying equipment is powered by our CSTR Biogas plant.

Nitrophos Fertilizer (15:15:0)

Our advanced formula Nitrophos, with Urea derived N (15%) and Rock Phosphate derived phosphate (15%) is perfect for any crop. The fast acting NP has extra availability of N and P and, as with all our products, the results are GUARANTEED. 

All manufacturing process at IRDC farms are sustainable, with power derived our solar farm and all furnaces and other drying equipment is powered by our CSTR Biogas plant.

DA Phos Fertilizer (10:20:3)| +20% SO2| (PGPB-FF)

DA Phos Fertilizer (8:20:3)| +20% SO2|

Our specially curated formula for Directly Accessible Phosphate fertilizer (DA Phos) is not currently available in any other brand except ours. It is a unique product which is the perfect alternative to the DAP fertilizer. The downside to using DAP is that, it is hardly ever available, and when it is, you can never be sure if it is the real thing or not. Our DA Phos GUARANTEES the directly available phosphate for your plant needs. Use DA Phos for when immediate results are needed with the added benefits of Potash.

All manufacturing process at IRDC farms are sustainable, with power derived from our solar farm and all furnaces and other drying equipment is powered by our CSTR Biogas plant.